Gateway Trails Solar Project

Energizing Our Economy, Empowering Our Community

About the Project

Solis Renewables is developing the Gateway Trails Solar Project, a 20-megawatt alternating current (MWac) utility-scale solar facility in Clay County, Missouri. The project will bring millions of dollars in investment to Clay County over its lifetime, improving local public services, schools, and creating new jobs during the construction period.


new jobs during the construction phase

0 MW

of homegrown Missouri power

$ 0

for Clay County schools over the project lifetime

$ 0 k

annually in new local long-term earnings for Clay County

$ 0 k+

annually in new local long-term output for Clay County

$ 0 +

in property taxes for all taxing districts over project lifetime


new jobs during the construction phase

0 MW

of homegrown Missouri power

$ 0

for Clay County schools over the project lifetime

$ 0 k

annually in new local long-term earnings for Clay County

$ 0 k+

annually in new local long-term output for Clay County

$ 0 +

in property taxes for all taxing districts over project lifetime

Harvesting Energy in Clay County

Committed to a partnership with landowners and the local Clay County community, the Gateway Trails Solar Project will deliver the economic benefits of home harvested, reliable energy to Clay County while generating American jobs throughout the development, construction, and operations phases of the project.

The project represents an investment of over $48.5 million and is projected to contribute at least $590,000 in new, local long-term output for Clay County annually.

Gateway Trails Solar will energize Clay County’s local economy without straining existing infrastructure and local services. The project will protect valuable farmland from being permanently altered so that it can be returned to its original state for future use. It will also boost income for local landowners and support county services without raising taxes.

Join us in shaping a brighter future for Clay County!